
Showing posts from 2012

How to enable .htaccess in wamp server

How to enable .htaccess in wamp server In this article,I will explain how  to enable  . htaccess  in wamp server. 1 .  Open wamp_server   (Go to  Wamp  -> Right click at icon in the taskbar=>  Apache =>  httpd.conf ) 2.Edit httpd.conf file. 3 . Just remove the # sign before the  LoadModule  rewrite_module modules/  4 .  Save  the file .Mod Rewriting is enabled. 5.Restart the Server (Go to  Wamp  -> Right click at icon in the taskbar=>  Restart All services ) 6 . Now Create new file. Copy and paste the following code in it. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On 7 .Save it as  .htaccess  in the root directory. 8 .Done. We have successfully enabled .htaccess in Wamp server.

Web Scraping Amazon with PHP

This snippet of PHP code demonstrates web scraping. It reads a sample page from, compares the HTML text against certain class name and outputs that matched text in an RSS feed.  <?php  $now   = date("D, d M Y H:i:s T"); $ASIN  = $url = $img = $title = $bio = $name = ""; $head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'; $head .= '<rss version="2.0">'; $head .= '<channel>'; $head .= '<title>Amazon </title>'; $head .= '<link></link>'; $head .= '<description>Amazon RSS Feed</description>'; $url = ""; $text = file_get_html($url); foreach ($text->find("div.zg_item_compact") as $class) {   foreach ($class->find('strong.price') as $price) {     if ($price->plaintext == "Free...

jQuery dynamic number ticker

This is a fascinating little script that helps you display a dynamic JSON feed of numbers that automatically updates on the page by animating up or down to the current number. A great addition as part of a realtime analytical dashboard. read more Click Here

jQuery Spectragram – An Instagram API jQuery plugin

Spectragram.js  is a jQuery plugin using the Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside a list or any container you define and display the results as list items or any other HTML tag you define. You can also define the size of the pictures (small, medium, large). Read More Click Here



jQuery Open Responsive Panel

Open Panel OpenPanel is a jQuery plugin that allows you to open panel at any where in your page, unlimited panels as you want and support for responsive design. With this small plugin you can open more space for your site to add anything you want. Features: Open Panels Anywhere in Your Sites. Unlimited Panels Support Responsive Design. Inline Content for SEO Purpose. Support Ajax Content. Four Directions Slide and Fade Effects. More Details  click here

7 Tools To Make An RSS Feed Of Any Website

Considering how popular RSS feeds have become (primarily among blogs, but also elsewhere), I find it annoying when I come across websites that offer constantly updated content in a “feed-friendly” format, but neglect to offer this option. Other times, I just want a more refined feed of one category of a blog. Some blogs offer multiple RSS feeds for each category, but many do not. This is why I have compiled a list of online web services which allow anyone to create an RSS feed of any website. Some are very simple while others are more advanced, so depending on your level of expertise, you are sure to find a tool that can help you get the custom RSS feed you are seeking. 1.  Feed43  – My personal favorite, Feed43 is definitely not for the faint of heart. With this service I had the most control over the final appearance of the feed, but I also had to take a look at the  tutorial  to get an understanding of how the syntax works to create variables. If that last...

How To Automatically Translate A Full Web Site In Multiple Languages: Best Web Site Translation Tools

Do you want to automatically translate all of the pages of your web site into the most popular languages and facilitate foreign visitors get an insight into your content without hiring a pro translator? Here is we guide to the best tools and services to automatically translate your web site in multiple languages. Best Web Site Translation Tools Google Language Tools Google Language Tools allows you to translate web pages or texts instantly. The service is completely free, and supports all the principal languages spoken across the World: Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, French, Italian, Spanish, and many more. You can add a gadget (Google's for widget) to your site pasting just a line of code. Your visitors will then have a drop-down menu where they can choose their mother tongue, and have your content translated automatically (just plain text, no images or hidden texts). About the text translation option, Google Translation Tools has no special character fe...

upload large file on server

Write this code in the .htaccess file ----code----------------------------------- suPHP_ConfigPath  /home/sdman007/public_html    <Files php.ini>    order allow,deny    deny from all    </Files> --------------------------------------- Create php.ini file in your root path  ----code---------------------------------- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; File Uploads ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files10mb  ( You can change it) upload_max_filesize = 10M post_max_size = 10M max_execution_time=300              ;This is exicution time 300 like as 5 min max_input_time =300 ------------------------------------- After do that login ur cpanel again . Now you can see php configuration using the <? echo phpinfo() ; ?> function.

URL Rewriting- Top 5 Ways of PHP URL Rewriting

Introduction In this era of technology enhancement, Internet has become the major source of information. If we need any kind of information, we usually consult from the Search Engines (particularly Google). Why? Because of the reason, Search Engine’s increased searching capabilities. Thus every website owner wants now online visibility on top search engines. And for this you need to follow search engine guidelines. These are the guidelines which are helpful in the Search engine optimization of your website. URL Rewriting is one of the good techniques followed in Search Engine Optimization. Consider more understanding of URL Rewriting and its importance: Static URLS Vs Dynamic URLS Static URL’s are more to be recognizable than dynamic URL’s for the number of reasons: Static URL’s generally rank better in Search Engines. Search Engines Crawls the Content of the static URLs much faster as compare to the dynamic URL. Static URL looks pretty or friendlier to the end-user....

how to show alert box on the click in link

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('myDeleteButton').onclick = function() {   return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?'); } </script> </head> <body> <a onclick="javascript:return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete? This action cannot be undone.')" href="DELETE-SCRIPT-URL"> Delete </a> </body> </html>

how to show table data in page formet

<?php session_start(); include("_incu/adminconnectdb.php"); include("_incu/func.php"); $realname=veryfy(); include("functions.php"); $id = $_GET['id']; ?> <?php if($id!="")     {     $query = "DELETE from contact where id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()."Couldn't update record information!"); $_SESSION['msg'] ="One Contact deleted Successfully"; header("Location: adminhome.php"); exit;     }   ?> //--------------------page no........................ <?php //Set the page size $PageSize =  10; $StartRow = 0; //Set the page no if(empty($_GET['PageNo'])) {     if($StartRow == 0)     {         $PageNo = $StartRow + 1;     } } else {     $PageNo = $_GET['PageNo'];     $StartRow = ($PageNo - 1) * $PageSize; } //Set the counter start if($PageNo % $PageSize == 0){     $CounterStart = $P...